Franklin Pierce: Martyr for the Union. Peter Wallner. Published by Plaidswede Publishing Co., ISBN ISBN SHOP FRANKLIN PIECE BY PETER WALLNER. FRANKLIN PIERCE. by Peter Wallner. PAPERBACK Franklin Pierce, N.H.'s Favorite Son. Price $ PAPERBACK Franklin Pierce, Martyr for Union. Price $ HOME. ABOUT. THE COLLECTIONS. FRITZ WETHERBEE; FRANKLIN PIERCE by Peter Wallner; BOOKS BY COVER; POETRY; NEWS EVENTS. American Life in Poetry;. · Peter Wallner‘s two-volume biography is the most recent comprehensive look at Pierce’s life and presidency. “Franklin Pierce: Martyr for the Union” is the second volume of the series and was published in Prior to writing this biography Wallner moved to New Hampshire in order to more fully research Pierce’s life. Previously he was a history teacher; he is now a professor at Franklin Pierce Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins.
Franklin Pierce: New Hampshire's Favorite Son is the first of a two-volume biography on the life of 14th president Franklin Pierce by Peter A. Wallner. This book covers Pierce's life up to his inauguration, with the second book (I presume, as I haven't read it yet) covering his presidency and post-presidential life. Modern biographers include Michael F. Holt's Franklin Pierce and Peter A. Wallner's two-volume study: Franklin Pierce: New Hampshire's Favorite Son and Franklin Pierce: Martyr for the Union. Holt is more critical of Pierce, arguing he was ill-suited for the job, as Pierce was a little more pro-Southern and made decisions that made war. Find many great new used options and get the best deals for Franklin Pierce: Martyr for the Union by Peter A. Wallner (Library Binding) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Franklin Pierce: Martyr for the Union. Peter Wallner. Published by Plaidswede Publishing Co., ISBN ISBN Franklin Pierce: New Hampshire’s Favorite Son, and Martyr for the Union, Two Vols., by Peter A Wallner. “To be an American is a text of deep and varied meaning.”. – Nathaniel Hawthorne. When I was but a wee lad, I contracted tonsillitis as many wee lads do. As I was recovering in the hospital from the removal of this lymphoid tissue, my dear Mother distracted my attention from my discomfort by coaching me in memorizing the names of all of the American Presidents who had served until. "Some Papers of Franklin Pierce, " Franklin Pierce by Peter A. Wallner. Call Number: EW35 Martyr for the Union. Franklin Pierce by Roy F.