Ebook {Epub PDF} They Fought Like Demons: Women Soldiers in the Civil War by DeAnne Blanton

THEY FOUGHT LIKE DEMONS: Women Soldiers in the American Civil War. DeAnne Blanton, Author, Lauren M. Cook, Joint Author. Louisiana State Univ. $ (p) ISBN . #THEY FOUGHT LIKE DEMONS WOMEN SOLDIERS IN THE CIVIL WAR DEANNE BLANTON #Download file | read online authors describe how Yankee and Rebel women soldiers eluded detection, some for many years, and even merited promotion. Their comrades often did not discover the deception until the “young boy” in their company was wounded, killed, or gave.  · The authors of "They Fought Like Demons" DeAnne Blanton, a military archivist, and Lauren Cook, of Fayetteville State University spent more Neither the Union nor the Confederate Army in the Civil War authorized women to enlist or welcomed women combatants/5.

They Fought like Demons: women soldiers in the American Civil War DEANNE BLANTON LAUREN M. COOK, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press xiii + pp., ISBN 0 6 Disarming the Nation: women's writing and the American Civil War ELIZABETH YOUNG, Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press xvi + pp., ISBN 0. They fought like demons by DeAnne Blanton, , Louisiana State University Press edition, in English women soldiers in the American Civil War This edition was published in by Louisiana State University Press in Baton Rouge. Edition Notes. They Fought Like Demons: Women Soldiers in the American Civil War DeAnne Blanton Lauren M. Cook Louisiana State University Press (November ) $ (pp) In the early winter of , a young Union soldier in a letter home mentioned a comrade who had taken ill: "The other.

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