· The White Death: A History of Tuberculosis by Thomas Dormandy () on bltadwin.ru *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The White Death: A History of Tuberculosis by Thomas Dormandy (). · The victims of tuberculosis (usually known as consumption) included not only Keats, The Brontës, Chopin and Chekhov, but members of almost every family. It was a killer on a huge bltadwin.ru White Death is an outstanding history of tuberculosis. Thomas Dormandys engrossing account of the search for a cure read more . What Deborah Hayden's "Pox: Genius, Madness And The Mysteries of Syphilis" (Basic Books, ) does for STDs, so does "The White Death: A History Of Tuberculosis"by Thomas Dormandy do for "consumption" (as TB was known in Victorian times- just as syphilis was "the pox"), namely reveal how deeply both diseases shaped the course of European and world history, culture and social mores- /5(20).
The White Death: A History of Tuberculosis by Dr. Thomas Dormandy starting at $ The White Death: A History of Tuberculosis has 3 available editions to buy at Half Price Books Marketplace. Buy a cheap copy of The White Death: A History of book by Thomas Dormandy. The acclaimed history of a disease that ravaged generations--and threatens once again. Laying waste to entire generations, tuberculosis lacked an effective Free Shipping on all orders over $ Introduction. Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious, infectious disease, due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MT), which usually lasts throughout the life course and determines the formation of tubercles in different parts of the body [].MT has very ancient origins: it has survived over 70, years and it currently infects nearly 2 billion people worldwide []; with around million new cases of.
This is a history of tuberculosis, including its social, artistic and human impact. Thomas Dormandy's account of the search for the cure is complemented by a description of its complex natural. What Deborah Hayden's "Pox: Genius, Madness And The Mysteries of Syphilis" (Basic Books, ) does for STDs, so does "The White Death: A History Of Tuberculosis"by Thomas Dormandy do for "consumption" (as TB was known in Victorian times- just as syphilis was "the pox"), namely reveal how deeply both diseases shaped the course of European and world history, culture and social mores- indeed there are suggestive similarities between both diseases-both were mass killers from the Renaissance. The victims of tuberculosis (usually known as consumption) included not only Keats, The Brontës, Chopin and Chekhov, but members of almost every family. It was a killer on a huge bltadwin.ru White Death is an outstanding history of tuberculosis. Thomas Dormandys engrossing account of the search for a cure read more .