· The Sisters: The Saga of the Mitford Family: Author: Mary S. Lovell: Edition: illustrated, reprint: Publisher: W. W. Norton Company, ISBN: , Length: pages: Reviews: 1. · Sisters the Saga of the Mitford Family is a carefully woven collective biography of six women whose individual stories are more than enough to satisfy the most avid biography junkie. But when the stories are told together against the backdrop of the entire Twentieth Century, the result is a delicious tangle of history, celebrity and intrigue that is both fascinating and moving.5/5(1). The sisters' ideological conflict is one of many chronicled by Mary Lovell. But there's more than conflict to this biography of the six Mitford girls and one boy. It's also a family drama and an overview of twentieth century history. Nancy, Diana, Jessica and Deborah 4/5(43).
Sisters the Saga of the Mitford Family is a carefully woven collective biography of six women whose individual stories are more than enough to satisfy the most avid biography junkie. But when the stories are told together against the backdrop of the entire Twentieth Century, the result is a delicious tangle of history, celebrity and intrigue. The sisters' ideological conflict is one of many chronicled by Mary Lovell. But there's more than conflict to this biography of the six Mitford girls and one boy. It's also a family drama and an overview of twentieth century history. Nancy, Diana, Jessica and Deborah wrote about both in biographies and novels. Mary Lovell spent a lot of time untangling the real family history, which is important because so much of the sisters' stories has gotten entangled with Nancy's fictional Radletts (from "The Pursuit of Love" and "Love in a Cold Climate") and with Jessica's imaginative memoir "Hons and Rebels".
If you want to learn more about the Mitford's than is found in Wikepedia, The Sisters The Saga of the Mitford Family would be a very good pick. There are a lot of fascinating things to be learned from Mary S. Lovell's book. Mel u. Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest. The Mitfords - six sisters, their brother and two parents make for fascinating reading and there have been a few biographies, autobiographies and of course the semi-autobiographical novels of Nancy which have managed to fuel the publics desire to hear more. Lovell's biography of the family is more than just the most recent book. The sisters: the saga of the Mitford family. User Review - Not Available - Book Verdict. Lovell's biography of the Mitford sisters illustrates "the complex loyalties and love, disloyalties and even.