Lourdes: Body and Spirit in the Secular Age: Author: Ruth Harris: Edition: illustrated: Publisher: Allen Lane The Penguin Press, Original from: the University of Michigan: Digitized: Dec 9, Author: Ruth Harris. · Lourdes: Body And Spirit in the Secular Age. Ruth Harris. Penguin Adult, Sep 4, - History - pages. 0 Reviews. Lourdes was at the very centre of nineteenth century debates on religion, science and medicine. Both the Church and secularists championed the 'miracle' town as crucial in shaping how society should think about the mind, body Author: Ruth Harris. Just invest tiny become old to log on this on-line statement lourdes body and spirit in the secular age as without difficulty as review them wherever you are now. Lourdes - Ruth Harris - Lourdes was at the very centre of nineteenth century debates on religion, science and medicine.
Lourdes: Body and Spirit in the Secular Age Ruth Harris, Author Viking Books $ (p) ISBN More By and About This Author. OTHER BOOKS. Modern Woman;. Lourdes: body and spirit in the secular age. Author: Ruth Harris. Publisher: New York: Penguin Compass, Edition/Format: Print book: English View all editions and formats. Summary: The small French town of Lourdes has become the greatest of all Christian healing shrines, continually expanding despite growing onslaughts on the Church. %T Lourdes %S Body and spirit in the secular age %A Harris, Ruth %I Allen Lane: The Penguin Press %C London %D %G ISBN %P xxi + pp %K history, religion %O hardback %O illustrated.
Lourdes. Body and Spirit in the Secular Age. By RUTH HARRIS. Viking. Read the Review. Town, Region, Family. For nearly all writers Lourdes was defined by its location: a town at the edge of the. Just invest tiny become old to log on this on-line statement lourdes body and spirit in the secular age as without difficulty as review them wherever you are now. Lourdes - Ruth Harris - Lourdes was at the very centre of nineteenth century debates on religion, science and medicine. Dr Nicholas Aitkin, review of Lourdes. Body and Spirit in the Secular Age, (review no. 76) bltadwin.ru Date accessed: 9 September, At the heart of this majestic and complex book is a simple story, engagingly recounted by the author. On 11 February , Bernadette Soubirous, a young Pyrenean shepherdess, together with her sister Toinette and a friend Jeanne Abadie, was instructed by her impoverished mother to go out and search for tinder for the stove (p.3).