Samuel Hynes is Woodrow Wilson Professor of Literature as Princeton University. Together with his earlier works- The Edwardian Turn of Mind and The Auden Generation- A War Imagined forms an important continuous study of the relationship between literature, the arts and th4e events of history during the first four decades of the twentieth century/5(13). Samuel Hynes. A War Imagined: The First World War and English Culture. London: Bodley Head, Pp. xii, £ Most publications in English on the literature of war in the twentieth century take a narrow national approach. There are few comparative studies, and the only critic who insists on the truly international character of that. He explores a vast cultural mosaic comprising novels and poetry, music and theatre, journalism, paintings, films, parliamentary debates, public monuments, sartorial fashions, personal diaries and in rich detail, this penetrating account shatters much of the received wisdom about the First World War. It shows how English culture adapted itself to the needs of killing, how our stereotypes Cited by:
Samuel Hynes. A War Imagined: The First World War and English Culture. London: Bodley Head, Pp. xii, £ Most publications in English on the literature of war in the twentieth century take a narrow national approach. There are few comparative studies, and the only critic who insists on the truly international character of that. Between the opulent Edwardian years and the s the First World War opens like a gap in time. England after the war was a different place; the arts were different; history was different; sex, society, class were all different. Samuel Hynes examines the process of that transformation. Samuel Hynes is the Woodrow Wilson Professor of Literature emeritus at Princeton University. He is the author of several books, including A War Imagined: The First World War and English Culture, The Soldiers' Tale: Bearing Witness to a Modern War, which won the Robert F. Kennedy Book Award, The Growing Seasons: An American Boyhood Before the War, and, most recently, The Unsubstantial Air.
Random House, - History - pages. 0 Reviews. Between the opulent Edwardian years and. A War Imagined: The First World War and English Hynes. Margaret R. Higonnet. Samuel Hynes is Woodrow Wilson Professor of Literature as Princeton University. Together with his earlier works- The Edwardian Turn of Mind and The Auden Generation- A War Imagined forms an important continuous study of the relationship between literature, the arts and th4e events of history during the first four decades of the twentieth century.